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23 Common Grammar Errors
If you’ve been at your firm for 12 months, are you celebrating your “first-year anniversary?”
If you’re moving closer to a target, is it grammatically correct to say you’re “honing in” on it?
And does your head “literally” explode when you try to remember all the rules on spelling, punctuation and subject-verb agreement?
The answer to all three questions is no. It is redundant to celebrate anything other than your “first anniversary.” You “home in” on a target. And while your head may be “actually” exploding as you read this, it’s not doing so literally.
The law is a verbal profession, and the words you use – in pleadings, oral arguments and everyday conversations – can leave a lasting impression.
Lawyers Mutual are two words that are good grammar for every attorney in North Carolina. Our Client Services Department keeps your practice skills sharp, and our Claims Department is there when you trouble arises. Learn more here.
Try These 23 Grammar Grabbers
Don’t let an avoidable grammar error cause embarrassment – or worse – in your practice. Here are 23 common mistakes, courtesy of Christina DesMarais and Getpocket.com:
- First-come, first-serve. Correct: first-come, first-served
- I could care less. Correct: I couldn’t care less
- Correct: regardless
- The judge spoke with John and I. Correct: the judge spoke with John and me
- Shoe-in. Correct: shoo-in
- Emigrate to. Correct: emigrate from
- Slight of hand. Correct: sleight of hand
- Baited breath. Correct: bated breath
- Peaked my interest. Correct: piqued my interest
- Should of and would of. Correct: should have and would have
- Correct: thaw
- Bold-face lie. Correct: bald-face lie or bare-face lie
- Chock it up. Correct: chalk it up
- Through the ringer. Correct: through the wringer
- Given free reign. Correct: given free rein
- Tie me over. Correct: tide me over
- Tow the line. Correct: toe the line
- Correct: espresso
- Jive with the facts. Correct: jibe with the facts
- “Eccetera” or “Excetera” (pronounced with the “t” silent). Correct: “Etcetera”
- Deep-seeded. Correct: deep-seated
- Extract revenge. Correct: exact revenge
- Sneak peak. Correct: sneak peek
Lawyers Mutual has been in business since 1977. We’ve been providing continuous financial protection from professional liability to North Carolina lawyers longer than any other insurance company. Lawyers Mutual provides coverage to more than 7500 lawyers throughout the state. Learn more here.