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Are you Linked In?

linkedinThere was a time when searching for an attorney was a matter of thumbing through the yellow pages. Today’s clients are conducting google searches, checking out websites, seeking word-of-mouth referrals and checking out your LinkedIn profile. LinkedIn has over 200 million users and remains the most popular social media platform for lawyers.

LinkedIn is a place to showcase who you are. It goes beyond your brief bio on your firm’s website and gives potential clients a look into the things you’ve accomplished, what others have said about you and your involvement with organizations outside of your firm.

LinkedIn also provides you with networking opportunities. You will be able to connect with other attorneys at your firm and connect with people they know.

Another great networking feature of LinkedIn is your ability to join groups. If you have specific interests, seek groups that are centered around those topics and connect with others who share the same interests. Group discussion boards give you an opportunity to share your opinion, give advice and seek the advice of others. If you are a member of organizations, it’s always a great idea to join their LinkedIn Groups. For example, the Raleigh/Triad Legal Marketing Association as well as the Triangle American Marketing Association both have LinkedIn groups.

There are groups for family law attorneys, SEO and analytics special interest groups as well as groups for young lawyers.

In addition, you can publish posts on LinkedIn. Taking advantage of this LinkedIn feature will allow you to establish yourself as a thought leader among your peers and a credible source for potential clients.  Check out this beginner’s guide to publishing on LinkedIn.

LinkedIn provides a place to share your professional growth. Whether you’ve received an award, a promotion or joined a community board; this is all information that may catch the eye of a potential client.

It’s always a great idea to have your LinkedIn profile information in your email signature and on your firm’s website bio.

Ready to get linked in? For more tips check out “LinkedIn in One Hour for Lawyers” from our lending library today!


 Monisha Yowell is the Marketing Coordinator for Lawyers Mutual. Monisha connects Lawyers Mutual with our insureds and the legal community through the use of social media. You can reach Monisha at 800.662.8843 or

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