Byte of Prevention Blog
Building a Loyal Team in Your Law Office
Every law firm wants to build a loyal, cohesive team that works together for a common purpose.
But how to do it?
Especially in this age of uncertainty and change? A time when law firms are too busy just finding people to do the work, to sit around brainstorming team-building exercises or stringing up a ropes course in the breakroom.
Besides, law firms may not the best examples of incubators for creative, compassionate, caring cultures.
Private businesses – which rely on daily customer satisfaction to survive – can offer better pointers firms on how to create a work family.
Take Witherspoon Grill in Providence, Rhode Island. It offers the usual incentives and prizes for workers who excel and stick around. But it also places an emphasis on the personal development of each member of its team.
“We recognize people who are the go-getters by moving them up the ladder,” says a Witherspoon Grill manager in this article for the US Chamber of Commerce newsletter CO. “We have dishwashers who have become some of our best cooks. It’s really about being a cohesive team. When people get along for the most part and can work side by side, they can accomplish so much. It’s truly as simple as respecting and caring about your employees.”
Read “Most Effective Employee Retention Strategies” in CO here.
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Here’s How to Build a Winning Team
- Show your appreciation. Put into practice: fun but focused training sessions; employee discounts; the occasional employee appreciation party; supporting them by letting them know they can come to you for actual resolution of problems. Quote: “Engagement starts with empowerment. Our employees are given the permission to make everyday decisions to get the job done. This could be as simple as offering an unhappy guest a free dessert or giving them a stretch assignment based on their interests or future career goals. experience.” Lawrence Sharrott, owner, Sharrott Winery
- Be there for each other. Put into practice: cross-collaboration in areas like marketing and staffing creates a family spirit; focus on remaining positive; encourage each other and your clients/customers; keep conversations positive with no venting. Quote: “The pandemic has taught us that staff engagement in all aspects of day-to-day operations as well as budgeting and financial forecasting are important to building camaraderie needed to retain quality employees. People want to be needed and appreciated. When we show them that, they are grateful to be involved in the company they serve.” Bobby Wright, founder and CEO, Percolator
- It all starts at the interview stage. Put into practice: look for people who don’t just want to collect a paycheck but want to be part of a successful business; train them on every aspect of the business, which in turn makes them comfortable dealing with stressful situations and feel as though they have skin in the game. Quote. “My teams are all so close that they have in many cases become friends, even outside of work. They are excited to come to their shift and work together, which is a better incentive for keeping employees happy than any gift card or meal policy. I think another big driver of retention for us is our employee events, like bowling, karaoke, paint ‘n pour, and other events. They allow our employees to open up and feel part of the organization while also giving them something to look forward to every few months.” Neil Hershman, franchise owner, Dippin’ Dots/Doc Popcorn/16 Handles
Source and all quotes, above: Most Effective Employee Retention Strategies for Small Business (
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Apr 18, 2022 Building a Loyal Team in Your Law Office Every law firm wants to build a loyal, cohesive team that works together for a common purpose. But how to do it? Especially in this age of uncertainty and change? A time when law firms are too busy just finding people to do…