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Check Out The Lawyers Mutual Lending Library

booksDid you know Lawyers Mutual has a lending library where you can check out books on everything from establishing a virtual law practice to creating bills clients love to pay?

At this library, you can learn about cloud computing, internet branding and the best ipad apps. You can even learn how to be a Twitter expert in an hour or less.

The Lawyers Mutual Lending Library is perfect for those who still enjoy holding a book in their hands and read it over lunch. It is open 24/7, and you can visit it without leaving your office. Your selections will be mailed directly to you.

Here are 40 titles from the Lawyers Mutual library:

  1. 100 Things You Need to Know: Starting Work for Interns, New Hires, and Summer Associates by Mary Crane
  2. 100+ Pointers for New Lawyers on Adjusting to Your Job by Sharon Meit Abrahams, EdD
  3. Android Apps in One Hour for Lawyers by Daniel J. Siegel
  4. Asset Protection Secrets by Hillel L. Presser, ESQ., MBA
  5. Blogging in One Hour for Lawyers by Ernie Svenson
  6. Built to Sell: Creating a Business that Can Thrive Without You by John Warrillow
  7. Championship Selling: A Blueprint for Winning with Today’s Customers by Tom Blake, Tom Hodson, Tony Enrico
  8. Cloud Computing for Lawyers
  9. Coaching for Attorneys: Improving Productivity and Achieving Balance by Cami McLaren and Stephanie Finelli
  10. Customer Service: New Rules for a Social Media World by Peter Shankman
  11. Data Breach and Encryption Handbook by Lucy Thomson (Editor)
  12. Facebook in One Hour for Lawyers by Dennis Kennedy & Allison C. Shields
  13. Flying Solo by K. William Gibson
  14. Google for Lawyers by Carole A Levitt & Mark E Rosch
  15. Guerrilla Tactics for Getting the Legal Job of Your Dreams by Kimm Alayne Walton, JD
  16. How to Achieve Success After the Bar Exam by Joan R. M. Bullock
  17. How to Draft Bills Clients Rush to Pay by J. Harris Morgan and Jay Foonberg
  18. How to Start and Build a Law Practice by Jay G Foonberg
  19. Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion by Robert B. Cialdini, PH.D.
  20. Internet Branding for Lawyers by Jeff Lantz
  21. iPad Apps in One Hour for Lawyers by Tom Mighell
  22. Law Office Procedures Manual for Solos and Small Firms, Third Edition
  23. Lawyers at Midlife by Michael Long, John Clyde, Pat Funk
  24. Lessons in Leadership: Essential Skills for Lawyers by Thomas C. Grella
  25. Life After Law: What Will You Do With the Next 6,000 Days? by Edward Poll
  26. LinkedIn in One Hour for Lawyers by Dennis Kennedy & Allison C. Shields
  27. Marketing and Legal Ethics: The Boundaries of Promoting Legal Services by William E. Hornsby, Jr.
  28. Online Law Practice Strategies: How to Turn Clicks Into Clients by Jabez LeBret and Mark Homer
  29. Online Marketing for Dummies by John Arnold
  30. Paperless in One Hour for Lawyers
  31. Personal Branding in One Hour for Lawyers by Katy Goshtasbi
  32. Rainmaking Made Simple: What Every Professional Must Know by Mark M. Maraia
  33. The ABA Cybersecurity Handbook
  34. The Complete Guide to Contract Lawyering: What Every Lawyer and Law Firm Needs to Know about Temporary Legal Services by Deborah Arron and Deborah Guyol
  35. The Elements of Style by William Strunk Jr. and EB White
  36. The End of Lawyers? Rethinking the Nature of Legal Services by Richard Susskind
  37. The Lawyer’s Guide to Balancing Life and Work by George W Kaufman
  38. The Military Divorce Handbook by Mark Sullivan
  39. Twitter in One Hour for Lawyers by Jared Correia
  40. Virtual Law Practice by Stephanie L Kimbro

Happy reading!

Source: Lawyers Mutual – Risk Management Lending Library


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