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Did you know Lawyers Mutual now offers on-demand CLE?

online cle
You can meet your annual State Bar requirements online – and at your convenience – with minimal sweat, stress and strain.

Our on-demand videos bring the experts to your office. They offer the same content as our popular “Put Into Practice” three-hour CLE road show, and you can view them at your leisure, from your desk or at the beach!

Choose from various topics including Real Estate, Cyber, Estates and Trust Planning, Ethics, Law Practice Management, Technology and more.

The CLE programs are FREE for insured attorneys and paralegals/staff. Non-insureds are also able to take our CLE programs for $75 per CLE hour for attorneys, and $50 per CLE hour for paralegals and/or legal staff.

Download our attendee info document here.

To register, click here.

Looking for CLE that’s easy, convenient and available 24/7? Lawyers Mutual has it! Our on-demand programs help you meet your annual CLE requirements according to your schedule and from the comfort of your office. Topics include Real Estate, Cyber, Estates and Trust Planning, Legal Ethics, Law Practice Management, Technology and Wellness. Best of all, these programs are free for Lawyers Mutual insured lawyers and their paralegals and staff. On-demand CLE is yet another benefit of being a member of the Lawyers Mutual family. For close to 40 years, Lawyers Mutual has been bringing protection and peace of mind to lawyers in this state, and now on-demand CLE. Visit our website to learn more. Find out why Lawyers Mutual is the smart choice for liability coverage.


Get CLE When You Want It

North Carolina lawyers must take 12 hours of accredited CLE each year.

Of these 12 hours, two must be in the area of professional responsibility or professionalism or any combination thereof. Effective in 2019, at least one hour shall be devoted to technology training. If a lawyer takes more than the required 12 hours in a calendar year, up to two additional hours of professional responsibility and up to ten additional hours of general education may be carried over to the next calendar year. There is no provision to carry hours over multiple years.

At least once every three calendar years, each lawyer must complete an additional hour of professional responsibility devoted exclusively to instruction in substance abuse awareness or debilitating mental conditions, and a lawyer’s professional responsibilities.

Lawyers licensed before July 1 are subject to all CLE requirements for that calendar year. Lawyers licensed on or after July 1 of any year do not have CLE requirements until the next calendar year. 

Lawyers may take all of their CLE hours on-demand. The 6-hour cap for on-demand programs has been eliminated.

For more information, here are the NC State Bar regulations.


Who knows what will happen in 2024? One thing is certain: Lawyers Mutual will be here, through thick or thin, good times or bad, to provide protection and peace of mind to North Carolina law firms, just as it has been doing since 1978. In fact, we’re the only professional liability insurance carrier to have done this continuously over that time. Other companies have come and gone. We alone have stood steadfast for our state’s practitioners. Want to learn what Lawyers Mutual can do your practice? Visit our website, give us a call, or drop by our office. You’ll see why Lawyers Mutual is the smart choice for liability coverage in North Carolina.


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