Byte of Prevention Blog
Effortless Experience
I recently heard a speaker extoling the virtues of an effortless experience.
Jack Newton, the CEO of Clio (a cloud based practice management platform) spoke about offering clients an effortless experience. We have heard the customer service theme often repeated “delight your customer”. Jack takes this mantra a step further by describing how clients of the future will place a high value on having an effortless experience.
When we think of an effortless experience for consumers, think of ATMs replacing bank tellers and internet retail giant Amazon replacing driving to the mall and fighting for parking.
What does an effortless experience mean for our legal clients?
It is simple. Our clients want ease of service, transparency in process and transparency in pricing. Clients expect their lawyers to find innovative ways to solve problems. Clients expect their lawyers to use technology to create efficiencies.
We should constantly be asking ourselves, “what can we do better, more effectively and more efficiently. What would make the process more seamless for my client?”
One thing to do is to ask your client what would make their experience effortless. Questioning your client can be as formal as a client survey handled by an outside firm or a free SurveyMonkey questionnaire that you send out. Or you can always talk to your client during the course of representation to ask them what’s working and what’s not.
21st century lawyers must be prepared to offer their clients an effortless experience. They must embrace change if change is called for. They must ask how their firms can leverage technology to ease the process for their clients.
Clients of the future will expect an effortless experience and they will be prepared to search until they find it.
Camille Stell is the Vice President of Client Services for Lawyers Mutual. Continue this conversation by contacting Camille at or 800.662.8843.
Nov 16, 2015 Effortless Experience I recently heard a speaker extoling the virtues of an effortless experience. Jack Newton, the CEO of Clio (a cloud based practice management platform) spoke about offering clients an effortless experience. We have heard the customer service theme often repeated “delight your customer”. Jack takes this mantra a step further…