Byte of Prevention Blog
Five Tips to Keep Your Data Safe
While law offices have long been prime targets for cyber thieves, there has been an unprecedented wave of recent attacks on big firms.
In the month of June, four BigLaw firms – Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher; Loeb & Loeb; and Orrick Herrington & Sutcliffe – reported cyberattacks to their state’s Attorney General, according to the ABA Journal.
One out of every 40 cyberattacks is launched against a law firm or an insurance provider, according to the ABA Journal and Checkpoint Research.
“Law firm security is on everyone’s radar screens right now,” says Bloomberg Law. “News of data breaches at prominent firms has become close to a weekly occurrence, with reports of cyber thieves gaining access to different types of data.”
From the ABA Journal: “Loeb & Loeb told the publication a ‘small part’ of the firm’s computer network was affected, and it was ‘unrelated to critical firm infrastructure and outside of our core database.’ Gibson Dunn said one office was affected and it contained the incident within one day. Orrick said its breach affected six Massachusetts residents, and there were no operational interruptions. In April, Proskauer Rose acknowledged that a cyberattack on one of its vendors led to exposure of some of its data.”
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Five Tips for Keeping Your Law Firm Data Safe
- Use cloud storage
- Rely on VPNs
- Teach your employees
- Limit access to your computers
- Learn from your competitors
(source: Legal Scoops)
SOURCES: Bloomberg Law; ABA Journal; Legal Scoops
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Jul 11, 2023 Five Tips to Keep Your Data Safe While law offices have long been prime targets for cyber thieves, there has been an unprecedented wave of recent attacks on big firms. In the month of June, four BigLaw firms – Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher; Loeb & Loeb; and Orrick…