Byte of Prevention Blog

Getting by with A Little Help from Our Friends

National Suicide Prevention MonthLawyers are problem solvers. Being an attorney means you’re constantly thinking of ways to solve the problems of others. It also means you’re often neglecting your own. Compassion fatigue, stress, burn out and over-functioning are common issues that lawyers face. It’s important that lawyers know there are services available to them to help deal with the stress of the profession as well as personal life issues.

The North Carolina Lawyers Assistance Program (NC LAP) is a service of the North Carolina State Bar which provides free, confidential assistance to lawyers, judges and law students in addressing substance abuse, mental health issues and other stressors which impair or may impair an attorney’s ability to effectively practice law.

The ABA and Hazelden Foundation recently conducted a nationwide study confirming that lawyers struggle with depression, anxiety and alcoholism at rates that far exceed rates found in the general population and other professions. We all know the risks. We often see colleagues in trouble but are unsure exactly what to do about it. 

Lawyers Mutual has partnered with the NC LAP program to offer CLE programs for in-house firms, Bar Associations or local Bar meetings. Both Lawyers Mutual and the NC LAP recognize the importance of providing support to lawyers.

The CLE program, “Getting by with A Little Help from Our Friends,” highlights real-world strategies that lawyers and law firms can use to: 1) identify colleagues at risk, 2) create a culture of safety that will reduce barriers for those in need to asking for and receiving help, and 3) intervene when it is clear a colleague needs assistance.

Contact VP of Client Services, Camille Stell at today to continue this very important conversation. You don’t have to go it alone.


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