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How To Manufacture Wow Moments In Your Law Practice

North Carolina Lawyer BlogCould your law practice use a shot of Wow?

With a little thought and creativity, you can turn even the most mundane of client interactions into Wow moments.

For example, a law firm in Mecklenburg County added a blank line to its client intake form for noting the client’s beverage of choice. Coffee, tea, water, Mister Pibb. Whenever the client comes into the office, guess what’s waiting on the conference room table?

That same firm prepares for every new client a file folder containing contact information, copies of important initial documents – engagement agreement, release forms – and instructions on what to expect in the coming weeks and months. The client leaves the initial interview with this folder in hand.

A Triangle firm uses a local courier service to pick up important papers from clients, saving a trip to the office and guaranteeing that the documents will arrive on time.

And how about fresh-baked cookies iced with your firm logo as a sweet gesture of appreciation to clients when their case has been concluded.

That’s one Wow tip from law blogger Peggy Gruenke:

  • The final invoice. How the heck can you make this usually painful experience a memorable one? If you have been successfully communicating with your client and building a relationship, you may now know if they are involved in any non-profits or have a passion supporting a local organization. Here’s a WOW tip: take the professional discount you were going to apply to the final invoice and convert it into a donation to their organization. Make sure this gesture does not go unnoticed by including a cover letter thanking the client and explaining your donation. You can also split the discount – half as a discount and half as the donation.
  • There are always final documents that need to be picked up or original documents that you collected during the engagement that need to be returned. Use this opportunity to touch base one more time and make it a WOW moment. Instead of having the client pick up the documents, have your law firm administrator deliver the documents to the client’s office or home or better yet, deliver them yourself. Now this alone is nice, but let’s makes one simple change to make it a memorable experience. Include a platter of cookies, maybe even logo cookies. With the cookies, include a branded postcard that thanks the client for using your services and lists additional legal services provided by your firm. Leave a stack of your newly branded business cards (with your QR code) for employees of the company to pick up.

These steps cost little or nothing. What they generate are Wow moments that create clients for life and send those clients out into the world saying great things about you – which in turn produces new clients through referrals to friends, neighbors and colleagues.

And so the happy Wow cycle continues.

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Jay Reeves is an attorney licensed in North Carolina and South Carolina. Once upon a time he was Legal Editor at Lawyers Weekly and Risk Manager at Lawyers Mutual. He once hung out with Wolfman Jack. Contact, phone 919-619-2441.

Nov 19, 2012 How To Manufacture Wow Moments In Your Law Practice Could your law practice use a shot of Wow? With a little thought and creativity, you can turn even the most mundane of client interactions into Wow moments. For example, a law firm in Mecklenburg County added a blank line to its client…

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