Byte of Prevention Blog

I Value Lawyers Mutual Because of its Claims Attorneys: Uta Zacharias, Senior Claims Counsel

I Value Lawyers Mutual Because of its Claims Attorneys: Uta Zacharias, Senior Claims Counsel

Sometimes all you need is to talk to somebody.

When you’re insured with Lawyers Mutual, there’s a seasoned, skilled claims attorney on standby if needed.

This benefit sets Lawyers Mutual apart from every other malpractice carrier in North Carolina. Its claims attorneys have been in private practice like you. They’ve been in the trenches. They know what you go through every day.

And if trouble arises in a case you’re handling, they’ll be able to objectively assess the situation and help develop an appropriate strategy. They’ll work with you to repair the problem or reduce the dollar amount of the loss. They might even be able to prevent a claim from being made in the first place.

Talk about everyday value!

To get a glimpse at how this works, we reached out to Uta Zacharias, Senior Claims Counsel at Lawyers Mutual. She told us about some recent scenarios where she has fielded calls from worried insureds:

How were you contacted by the insureds? “Telephone.”

What was their state of mind? “The situations are varied. Some insureds are embarrassed, some are upset/scared, and some are angry that they are having to report an issue for which they don’t feel fully responsible. Typically, the insureds are embarrassed. They likely feel like they are isolated in the fact that they potentially made a mistake.”

What problems are most frequently reported? “The most typical problem is that a deadline was missed. Also typical, however, is that a small detail was missed such as the wrong lot number on a deed, or the Ex. A ‘legal description’ was left off a document. Sometimes, there is no real mistake, but the client is accusing the insured of some error that’s really not related to anything the insured did.”

What did you do or say? “I always try to treat the insured how I would want to be treated. First, I always try to reassure them that we have their back and we’ll do whatever we can to either prevent a malpractice claim, or if one has already been filed, we’ll hire the best defense counsel to try to minimize the inconvenience and aggravation of having to deal with a malpractice claim.”

How do insureds respond to your assistance? “Most insureds are grateful that LM is here for them.”

How did the insured feel afterward? “Relieved, but sometimes still worried until the entire matter is resolved.”

Do you enjoy this part of your job “Yes. I like to be able to help a colleague out on what may be one of their worst days. I try to imagine that something like this could easily have happened to me if I were practicing law in a firm and try to think about how I would want this to play out. A reassuring, friendly voice from the insurance carrier probably goes a long way in calming the insured.”

So why do you value Lawyers Mutual? How can we provide even greater value? We’d love to hear from you. Contact us here or here, or call us at 1-800-662-8843.


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