Byte of Prevention Blog

Last Chance for Lawyers Mutual CLE


Here’s great news if you need last-minute CLE for 2022 and want to take your practice to the next level in 2023.

The popular Lawyers Mutual “Put Into Practice” CLE road show is coming to a location near you.

The live, in-person seminars are FREE for Lawyers Mutual insureds and staff. Topics include Lawyer Well-Being, Tech Tips, and Dealing with Diminished Capacity.

Following are the seminar locations and registration links:

Registration and light continental breakfast 8:30-9:00 am | CLE Program: 9:00 am -12:30 pm
Cary PM Session: Registration and light snacks 1:00-5:00 pm | CLE Program: 1:30 – 5:00 pm

FREE for Lawyers Mutual Insureds and their Paralegals/Staff

$150 non-insured attorneys; $35 for non-insured paralegals/staff

Applied for 3.0 hours NC State Bar CLE Credit: 1 hour Ethics/Professionalism; 1 hour General (includes technology credit); 1 hour Mental Health


The manuscript is available on Lawyers Mutual’s website. LM is going paperless and will not have printed manuscripts or handouts at the CLE. It is not mandatory for attendees to print and/or download the manuscript. If you are also going paperless, please download the manuscript to your device before you come. There will be no Wi-Fi access at the program site.

Click here for more information.


Everyone makes mistakes. When it happens to you, Lawyers Mutual has your back. For nearly half a century, Lawyers Mutual has been the smart choice for professional liability coverage for North Carolina attorneys. We cover the state from Murphy to Manteo. We insure large firms, solo practitioners and everyone in between. We help new lawyers enter the profession with confidence, and we help keep seasoned veterans safe and successful. The numbers speak for themselves. Lawyers Mutual has been in business since 1977, making us the only insurance carrier to provide continuous protection over that period. Today we insure more than 8000 lawyers in North Carolina. Most of them will stick with us until they retire. Why? Because they know we are here for them today and will be here tomorrow, bringing protection and peace of mind in turbulent times. Visit our website, give us a call, or ask a colleague why Lawyers Mutual is the smart choice for liability coverage.


Put Into Practice CLE – Topics

1) Lawyer Well-Being: Strategies for Finding Happiness, Satisfaction and Meaning in Your Personal and Professional Life

Well-being is a hot topic in the legal profession, and with good reason. Lawyers are suffering higher rates of anxiety, depression, and stress than ever before. The problem has only been exacerbated by the pandemic. What do we mean by well-being? Is it the same thing as happiness? How can we, as individuals, improve our personal and professional well-being? What can the profession do to help foster improvement in attorney well-being? In this program, we will explore practical solutions backed by science to improve our overall well-being and reduce symptoms of anxiety, depression, and stress.


2) Tech Tips in 60 Minutes

The presenters in this fast-paced CLE will provide 60 technology tips to power up your practice, ratchet down your risk, and crank up your client communication tools. The session will help you keep abreast of the benefits and risks of the dizzying array of technology solutions available for your firm and make sure you are meeting your duty of technology competence under RPC 1.18.


3) Dealing with Clients and Attorneys with Diminished Capacity or Mental Impairment Issues


Lawyers in almost every area of practice will encounter clients and other attorneys that show signs of diminished capacity or mental impairment. During this hour, Lawyers Mutual Claims Attorneys will discuss the professional responsibility and risk management issues that can arise when representing a client with diminished capacity or encountering another attorney with mental impairment. Topics will include communication, allocation of authority, decision making, conflicts of interest, supervision, and Rules of Professional Conduct 1.2, 1.4, 1.7, 1.14, 5.1 and 5.2.


Click here to sign up.


Why choose Lawyers Mutual for your financial protection? One reason is experience. Lawyers Mutual has been in business since 1977 and insures more than 8000 lawyers in North Carolina. We’ve been providing continuous protection from professional liability to NC lawyers longer than any other insurance company. Another reason is stability. The company’s financial strength is absolute. Since 1999, Lawyers Mutual has paid dividends fourteen times, with more than $8 million dollars returned to policyholders since 2011. Want even more reasons? Visit our website, give us a call, or ask a colleague why Lawyers Mutual is the smart choice for liability coverage.


Jan 18, 2023 Last Chance for Lawyers Mutual CLE Here’s great news if you need last-minute CLE for 2022 and want to take your practice to the next level in 2023. The popular Lawyers Mutual “Put Into Practice” CLE road show is coming to a location near you. The live, in-person seminars are FREE for…

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