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Lawyers Drop in Best Jobs Poll

Lawyers Drop in Best Jobs PollBeing a lawyer isn’t one of the Top 10 Best Jobs in America, according to U.S. News and World Reports 

In fact, it isn’t even one of the Top 50.

U.S. News says practicing law is the 51st best way to put bread on the table – down from 35th a year ago.

Some of the jobs that ranked higher: massage therapist, middle school teacher, nail technician and repairman.

“Being a lawyer is now a second-tier career,” writes the blog Above the Law. “How embarrassing.”

That’s one viewpoint.

A less snarky take would concede that the statistical indicators for the legal profession – projected industry growth, salary trends and employment rates – are not particularly rosy. And the stress level remains high.

But all is not grim. The average law salary – a median of  $113,530 in 2012 – is higher than most other jobs. And new opportunities are opening up all the time.

For instance, career paths are emerging up in:

  • In-house corporate legal departments
  • Online startups
  • Virtual law offices
  • Financial firms
  • Insurance companies
  • Health care providers

And though the Internet has introduced new challenges, it has also smashed old barriers. Lawyers can now link up in real-time with colleagues and clients around the world.

Top 15 U.S. Jobs

  1. Software Developer
  2. Computer Systems Analyst
  3. Dentist
  4. Nurse Practitioner
  5. Pharmacist
  6. Registered Nurse
  7. Physical Therapist
  8. Physician
  9. Web developer
  10. Dental Hygienist
  11. Information Security Analyst
  12. Database Administrator
  13. Physician Assistant
  14. Occupational Therapist
  15. Market Research Analyst

Of course, in the end who really cares that U.S. News says practicing law is worse than pulling teeth? The only opinion that truly matters is your own. Here’s hoping you think your job is tops.

Jay Reeves a/k/a The Risk Man is an attorney licensed in North Carolina and South Carolina. Formerly he was Legal Editor at Lawyers Weekly and Risk Manager at Lawyers Mutual. Contact, phone 919-619-2441.


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