Byte of Prevention Blog
Lawyers Mutual CLE Road Show Itinerary
Make sure you’ve got your calendars marked for the tour dates of Lawyers Mutual’s three-hour CLE road show.
We look forward to visiting your community and saying hi. If you can’t make it in person, no problem. Virtual showings will be offered.
Here are upcoming CLE programs of Put Into Practice: Risk Management Tips for Your Law Firm:
Friday, Oct. 13, 2023, Cary (AM Only) | Embassy Suites Raleigh/Durham | REGISTER NOW!
Friday, Oct. 27, 2023, Greensboro | Sheraton at Four Seasons | REGISTER NOW!
Friday, Dec. 1, 2023, Asheville | DoubleTree Biltmore | REGISTER NOW!
Looking for CLE that’s easy, convenient and available 24/7? Lawyers Mutual has it! Our on-demand programs help you meet your annual CLE requirements according to your schedule and from the comfort of your office. Topics include Real Estate, Cyber, Estates and Trust Planning, Legal Ethics, Law Practice Management, Technology and Wellness. Best of all, these programs are free for Lawyers Mutual insured lawyers and their paralegals and staff. On-demand CLE is yet another benefit of being a member of the Lawyers Mutual family. For close to 40 years, Lawyers Mutual has been bringing protection and peace of mind to lawyers in this state, and now on-demand CLE. Visit our website to learn more. Find out why Lawyers Mutual is the smart choice for liability coverage.
Winter 2024 “Put Into Practice” CLE Programs
Friday, Jan. 26, 2024, Virtual Program | Zoom | REGISTER NOW!
Friday, Feb. 2, 2024, Greenville | Holiday Inn Greenville | REGISTER NOW!
Friday, Feb. 9, 2024, Wrightsville Beach | Resort Lumina on Wrightsville Beach | REGISTER NOW!
Friday, Feb. 16, 2024, Concord | Great Wolf Lodge | REGISTER NOW!
Live Programs: Registration & light continental breakfast 8:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.
CLE Program: 9:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Virtual Programs: CLE Program: 12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
About the Program
Avoiding the Big, Bad State Bar: How Attorneys Can Stay Out of Trouble
Most lawyers are afraid of the State Bar. This is understandable: the Bar doesn’t exist to throw parades and hand out candy; they disbar people. Moreover, most folks don’t know how the Bar operates or what types of issues get them in serious trouble, including the unauthorized practice of law and trust accounting issues. Let’s remedy that. This CLE will make you less afraid of the North Carolina State Bar by explaining (1) how to avoid being prosecuted for violations of the Rules of Professional Conduct, (2) how the Bar works, and (3) what to do if you are the object of an ethics or misconduct prosecution.
Technology Tips to Power Your Practice
Technology always seems to move fast and this last year has overdelivered on that score. Artificial Intelligence has begun its march into all the familiar technologies that lawyers rely on making this feel like a Brave New World indeed. The presenters in this fast-paced CLE will provide tips to help you understand and harness the technology advances available to lawyers in large firms and small, and along the way help you power up your practice, ratchet down your risk, and crank up your client communication tools. The session will help you keep abreast of the benefits and risks of the dizzying array of technology solutions available for your firm and make sure you are meeting your duty of technology competence under RPC 1.1[8].
Meditation and Mindfulness for Lawyers: Science or Self-Help Snake Oil
Wellness experts and self-help gurus are making extraordinary claims about the potential benefits of meditation and mindfulness. This presentation will define the practices of meditation and mindfulness and explore the differences between the two and take an honest look at the potential benefits. We will examine the neuroscience behind these practices, delving into concepts like neuroplasticity, negativity bias, amygdala hijack, and the parasympathetic nervous system. We will then explore specific mindfulness practices that have the potential to improve your overall well-being and your effectiveness as a lawyer.
Mindfulness and meditation are only two wellness practices among many that can be used by lawyers to improve mental and physical health and performance. We will look briefly at how mindfulness can be combined with other wellness practices to optimize resilience and flourishing.
Who knows what will happen in 2024? One thing is certain: Lawyers Mutual will be here, through thick or thin, good times or bad, to provide protection and peace of mind to North Carolina law firms, just as it has been doing since 1978. In fact, we’re the only professional liability insurance carrier to have done this continuously over that time. Other companies have come and gone. We alone have stood steadfast for our state’s practitioners. Want to learn what Lawyers Mutual can do your practice? Visit our website, give us a call, or drop by our office. You’ll see why Lawyers Mutual is the smart choice for liability coverage in North Carolina.