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NC eCourts CLE is Available
A one-hour CLE on the five-year eCourts initiative from the NC Administrative Office of Courts is now available online.
The on-demand course, From Paper to Digital: The eCourts Update, is a one-hour general update on the Judicial Branch’s sweeping eCourts Initiative to modernize our court system with the latest technologies, as well as an overview of the two ways that will be available for eFiling.
This CLE is available to all attorneys, on-demand. One general hour of CLE credit, including technology credit, has been approved by the State Bar. Attorneys who desire CLE credit for the program will be responsible for paying CLE fees to the State Bar of $3.50 per credit hour.
Attendance is advised, because the eCourts “Big Bang” is coming (keep reading).
Learn more about the eCourts CLE here.
Read the eCourts Initiative Fact Sheet here.
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North Carolina Judicial Branch eCourts Initiative
“ECourts is an initiative of the NC Judicial branch to modernize our court system with the latest applications and technologies, taking the court system from paper to digital and from 20th century mainframes to cloud-based technologies,” says the state courts’ website. “For many years, the North Carolina court system case management application portfolio has relied on IBM mainframe technology, which is more complex to maintain and support. Our new eCourts Integrated Case Management system will be vendor supported and cloud hosted making case management and case filings more efficient and effective to access North Carolina justice system applications and data.”
Here are some key points about the eCourts Initiative:
- Tyler Technologies’ Odyssey suite was the solution selected to help migrate court processes from a variety of older applications to one integrated case management system.
- Benefits: ensures continuity during emergencies (adverse weather and pandemic); streamlines court administration’ greater IT workforce options for modern infrastructure; improves efficiencies; enhances disaster recovery (fire and flooding); Tyler Technologies solutions are used in 38 states; increases access to courts; reduces paper forms.
- North Carolina’s eCourts initiative is designed to meet the challenges from minor setbacks to major disasters, even including an unforeseen pandemic. Modernization of the court system is critical for disaster preparedness and information recovery, and the expected timely application of justice for all constituents statewide.
- The initiative helps fulfill the mission of the Judicial Branch by delivering technology systems, tools, and processes that are expanding access to justice.
- Timeline: the configuration and statewide rollout are expected to occur starting the middle of 2021. A total of 12 tracks / phases will be rolled out statewide with a “big bang” implementation of all case types at the same time. After the pilot track 1 (Harnett, Johnston, Lee, and Wake) and early adopter track 2 (Mecklenburg), approximately 10 counties are expected to be rolled out every 3 – 4 months in tracks 3 – 12.
- Click this link for Odyssey Rollout Plan Map 2021-2024.
Source: NC Courts
Jay Reeves is author of The Most Powerful Attorney in the World. He practiced law in North Carolina and South Carolina. Now he writes and speaks at CLEs, keynotes and in-firm presentations on lawyer professionalism and well-being. He runs Your Law Life LLC, which offers confidential, one-on-one consultations to sharpen your firm’s mission and design an excellent Law Life. Contact or 919-619-2441.
Jun 9, 2021 NC eCourts CLE is Available A one-hour CLE on the five-year eCourts initiative from the NC Administrative Office of Courts is now available online. The on-demand course, From Paper to Digital: The eCourts Update, is a one-hour general update on the Judicial Branch’s sweeping eCourts Initiative to modernize our court system with the…