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Need a Great Speaker for Your Law Event?
Need a guest speaker for your next firm retreat, county bar luncheon, or CLE event?
Lawyers Mutual has you covered. Our panel of presenters can deliver real-life examples and practical, timely information. Our speakers are available for bar associations, legal professional organizations and in-house programs for our insured law firms.
We have speakers with expertise and experience in Trust Accounts, Technology, Client Relationships, Law Firm Retreats, Marketing/Business Development, Professional Development, and Law School Programs.
Contact Julie Beavers at or 800.662.8843 to arrange for a speaker or to design a custom program.
Who knows what will happen in 2024? One thing is certain: Lawyers Mutual will be here, through thick or thin, good times or bad, to provide protection and peace of mind to North Carolina law firms, just as it has been doing since 1978. In fact, we’re the only professional liability insurance carrier to have done this continuously over that time. Other companies have come and gone. We alone have stood steadfast for our state’s practitioners. Want to learn what Lawyers Mutual can do your practice? Visit our website, give us a call, or drop by our office. You’ll see why Lawyers Mutual is the smart choice for liability coverage in North Carolina.
Topics for Ethics Presentations
Attorney-Client Privilege, Confidentiality, and the Work Product Doctrine: Traps for the Inattentive Litigator
Through a discussion of recent case law, ethics opinions and hypotheticals, this program addresses how lawyers can best protect the confidentiality of communications with their clients through the course of litigation.
Emerging Ethics
New technologies and digital communications are pushing the limits of the Rules of Professional Conduct. Can we apply the rules designed for old school law practice to the internet, email, blogging and social media?
In this presentation, we will discuss:
- How ethics opinions are issued from the NC State Bar
- New and pending NC State Bar ethics opinions
- Update on technology, advertising, and social media ethics opinions
Future of Law: Building a 21st Century Practice
21st-century law firms continue to face new challenges. Lawyers are required by the NC State Bar Ethics Rules to stay on top of technology. The “client of the future” is here and demanding that legal services be delivered in improved and more efficient ways.
A presenter with Lawyers Mutual will discuss the collision of forces that arises from 21st-century clients, multi-generational law offices and the creative solutions that will abound.
- What issues are keeping lawyers and paralegals up at night?
- The client of the future
- Review of NC State Bar ethics rules and opinions that impact technology, advertising and other current issues
- Practice management issues that will impact the future
- Reinventing lawyers, paralegals and law firms
Handling Emergency Legal Problems
What would happen to your law practice in the event of a medical emergency? Who would take care of your cases and clients? What if your law partner unexpectedly retires – or dies? The NC State Bar ethics rules require lawyers to plan ahead for emergencies in order to protect clients. Join us for a discussion of the ethical responsibilities and the practical issues involved in preparing your law practice to face an emergency situation.
Mastering Conflicts of Interest Issues
Loyalty, confidentiality, and independent judgment form the basis of every lawyer / client relationship. Join Lawyers Mutual claims attorneys as they address the conflicts of interest traps that often arise in professional malpractice cases, as well as grievance claims.
Practical Tips for Transitioning Your Practice
- Brief discussion of obstacles to transitioning your practice
- Review of ethics rules governing closure of practice and transitioning clients
- Identify clients and establish priorities for specific client transition
- Involve clients in the process
- Develop exit plan with timeframes
- Place someone in firm in charge of transition team
- Build a culture of succession planning
Ripped from the Headlines: Ethical Conundrums to Avoid
Most attorneys never expect to disregard the ethics rules or find themselves on the receiving end of a malpractice claim. Today, more than ever, good lawyers find themselves in an ethical quandary, as the target of a fraud or scam, the victim of embezzlement or simply having made a mistake.
Looking for CLE that’s easy, convenient and available 24/7? Lawyers Mutual has it! Our on-demand programs help you meet your annual CLE requirements according to your schedule and from the comfort of your office. Topics include Real Estate, Cyber, Estates and Trust Planning, Legal Ethics, Law Practice Management, Technology and Wellness. Best of all, these programs are free for Lawyers Mutual insured lawyers and their paralegals and staff. On-demand CLE is yet another benefit of being a member of the Lawyers Mutual family. For close to 40 years, Lawyers Mutual has been bringing protection and peace of mind to lawyers in this state, and now on-demand CLE. Visit our website to learn more. Find out why Lawyers Mutual is the smart choice for liability coverage.