Byte of Prevention Blog
Take the 2016 Law Career Fitness Challenge
Want to whip your law career into top shape?
Take the 2016 Law Career Fitness Challenge and get going!
Here’s how it works. Throughout the year we’ll be publishing a series of posts on what it takes to survive – and thrive – in today’s legal environment. Each post will present a specific challenge that you’ll likely face at some point in your career, along with training tips for meeting it.
Some of the challenges are designed to help you figure out what type of law you want to practice – or whether you even want to practice at all. Others will suggest best practices for job hunting. All of them will offer ways to strengthen existing law muscles and develop new ones.
The goal: a healthy career with a strong heart, sturdy legs and powerful core. At the end, there’s a self-test so you can gauge your career fitness level.
And while the Law Career Fitness Challenge was designed with law students in mind, it works just as well for recent graduates, new Bar admittees and even those considering applying to law school.
The 2016 Law Career Fitness Challenge
Here are the 20 challenges:
- Take Responsibility for Your Law Career
- Accept Reality
- Spend Time Each Day Doing Absolutely Nothing
- Get Started
- Know the Rules
- To Thine Own Self Be True
- When You’re Picking Grapes, Pick Grapes
- Never Misplace Your Keys, Phone or Wallet Again
- Maintain a Sense of Humor
- Go The Extra Mile
- Budget Your Time and Money
- Learn From Defeats
- Practice Teamwork
- Know When to Ask for Help
- Have Controlled Attention
- See With Creative Vision
- Avoid the Deathtrap of Denial
- Invest Your Energy in What You’re Good At
- Keep Your Mind and Body Strong
- Stay Positive
All of the challenges will be archived on our website for easy access. And it’s okay if you don’t do them all – a little bit of fitness is better than none at all.
And the 2016 Law Career Fitness Challenge comes fully guaranteed! No, we can’t promise that you’ll land your dream job – or any job, for that matter – after completing it. But we do guarantee you won’t be any worse off than when you started.
And who knows, you might even end up with a healthier career.
So thanks for being here. Now let’s get started!
Feb 11, 2016 Take the 2016 Law Career Fitness Challenge Want to whip your law career into top shape? Take the 2016 Law Career Fitness Challenge and get going! Here’s how it works. Throughout the year we’ll be publishing a series of posts on what it takes to survive – and thrive – in today’s…