Byte of Prevention Blog

You could write our next blog post

bloggers wantedCheck out this week’s SRC Friday post written by YOU! Yes, you reading this post. Our Student Resource Center was developed with law students in mind and we would love to have law students, new lawyers and law school staff contribute to our SRC Friday posts.

Every Friday our blog is dedicated to law school students. We feature information on a wide range of topics from managing stress to landing a legal job. Our staff enjoys writing these post as we are all passionate about offering resources and support to our new and future attorneys.

However, we would love to hear from you. No one knows what matters to law students more than, well…law students.

All our Summer Associates have contributed to our blog and the posts are always a favorite among our fellow student readers. Some of their posts include:

You can submit posts on a range of topics from study tips and techniques, how to survive your first year of law school to transitioning from student to attorney. If you’ve noticed a hot button issue among your peers and you would like to get in on the conversation—blog about it!

We welcome current and recent law school grads to submit posts as well as law school staff. If you’re interested in blogging submit your blog post along with a short bio and headshot to Please include “SRC Friday Blog” as the email subject.

We look forward to hearing from you. You might be our next guest author for SRC Friday!

Jul 21, 2017 You could write our next blog post Check out this week’s SRC Friday post written by YOU! Yes, you reading this post. Our Student Resource Center was developed with law students in mind and we would love to have law students, new lawyers and law school staff contribute to our SRC Friday…

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