Tacker LeCarpentier, JD, CSSC, Approved as a New Committee Member

Cary, N.C. - Tacker LeCarpentier, JD, CSSC, Director of Annuities and Structured Products with Lawyers Insurance, was unanimously approved as a new member of the Legislative & Regulatory Committee by the Board of the National Structured Settlements Trade Association, based in Washington, DC. NSSTA’s “Legs & Regs Committee” is responsible for the development and implementation of the structured settlements industry’s federal and state legislative and regulatory agenda objectives.
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About the NSSTA
Since 1985, the National Structured Settlements Trade Association has been the leading voice of the structured settlement industry. Today, nearly 1,200 individual NSSTA members from throughout the industry benefit from association activities.
Media Contact
Camille Stell, Director of Client Services
800.662.8843 or Camille@lawyersmutualnc.com