Why Choose Lawyers Mutual for your Financial Protection? 


In business since 1977, Lawyers Mutual has been providing continuous financial protection from professional liability to North Carolina lawyers longer than any other insurance company. Lawyers Mutual provides coverage to nearly 8000 lawyers throughout the state.


The Company's financial strength is absolute. Lawyers Mutual's assets are invested conservatively, and its reinsurance is of the highest quality. Since 1999, Lawyers Mutual has paid dividends fourteen times with more than $11 million returned to policyholders since 2011. The Company has established substantial reserves for the payment of claims and has a sufficient policyholder surplus for the long-term protection of its policyholders. Lawyers Mutual is a licensed carrier regulated by the North Carolina Department of Insurance.


Lawyers Mutual offers something no other insurers in the state provide - a broad program of claims prevention education at no cost to its policyholders. Our members receive alerts, newsletters, handouts, access to a lending library of CDs and tapes, and are invited to attend statewide seminars on loss prevention. We believe our commitment to providing continuing education will reduce malpractice claims. Our hours of State Bar-approved MCLE programs represent a savings of hundreds of dollars for our customers. Lawyers Mutual is an MCLE-approved provider with the North Carolina State Bar.


As the first mutually owned insurance company for lawyers in the country, Lawyers Mutual has a reputation for leadership, professionalism, and commitment to North Carolina lawyers by which other malpractice insurance providers must be measured. Our claims lawyers are leaders in the legal community, serving in local and statewide bar associations, and speaking and writing on various legal topics. Our Board of Directors includes many leaders in the legal community, including several who have served as past Presidents of the North Carolina Bar Association and the North Carolina Advocates for Justice. We are pleased to sponsor the NC Chief Justice's Commission on Professionalism programs held across North Carolina.