Lawyers Mutual offers expert speakers who deliver real-world examples and practical, timely insights. Our speakers are available for bar associations, legal professional organizations, and in-house programs for our insured attorneys.

Contact Julie Beavers at or 800.662.8843 to schedule a speaker or to design a custom program.

 Ethics Mental Health > Trust Accounts > Technology > Client Relationships > Law Firm RetreatsRisk ManagementMarketing/Business Development > Professional Development > Law School Programs



Attorney-Client Privilege, Confidentiality, and the Work Product Doctrine: Traps for the Inattentive Litigator

Through a discussion of recent case law, ethics opinions and hypotheticals, this program addresses how lawyers can best protect the confidentiality of communications with their clients through the course of litigation.

Emerging Ethics

New technologies and digital communications are pushing the limits of the Rules of Professional Conduct. Can we apply the rules designed for old school law practice to the internet, email, blogging and social media?

In this presentation, we will discuss:

  • How ethics opinions are issued from the NC State Bar
  • New and pending NC State Bar ethics opinions
  • Update on technology, advertising, and social media ethics opinions

Future of Law: Building a 21st Century Practice

21st-century law firms continue to face new challenges. Lawyers are required by the NC State Bar Ethics Rules to stay on top of technology. The “client of the future” is here and demanding that legal services be delivered in improved and more efficient ways.

A presenter with Lawyers Mutual will discuss the collision of forces that arises from 21st-century clients, multi-generational law offices and the creative solutions that will abound.

Some of the topics to be discussed:

  • What issues are keeping lawyers and paralegals up at night?
  • The client of the future
  • Review of NC State Bar ethics rules and opinions that impact technology, advertising and other current issues
  • Practice management issues that will impact the future
  • Reinventing lawyers, paralegals and law firms

Handling Emergency Legal Problems

What would happen to your law practice in the event of a medical emergency? Who would take care of your cases and clients? What if your law partner unexpectedly retires – or dies? The NC State Bar ethics rules require lawyers to plan ahead for emergencies in order to protect clients. Join us for a discussion of the ethical responsibilities and the practical issues involved in preparing your law practice to face an emergency situation.

Mastering Conflicts of Interest Issues

Loyalty, confidentiality, and independent judgment form the basis of every lawyer / client relationship. Join Lawyers Mutual claims attorneys as they address the conflicts of interest traps that often arise in professional malpractice cases, as well as grievance claims.

Practical Tips for Transitioning Your Practice

Join Lawyers Mutual for a conversation of practical tips and advice for transitioning your law practice. Topics include:

  • Brief discussion of obstacles to transitioning your practice
  • Review of ethics rules governing closure of practice and transitioning clients
  • Identify clients and establish priorities for specific client transition
  • Involve clients in the process
  • Develop exit plan with timeframes
  • Place someone in firm in charge of transition team
  • Build a culture of succession planning

Ripped from the Headlines: Ethical Conundrums to Avoid

Most attorneys never expect to disregard the ethics rules or find themselves on the receiving end of a malpractice claim. Today, more than ever, good lawyers find themselves in an ethical quandary, as the target of a fraud or scam, the victim of embezzlement or simply having made a mistake.

Join Lawyers Mutual staff as they discuss ethics issues, common malpractice problems and tips for prevention, as well as updates on ethics opinions issued by the NC State Bar.

Social Media Ethics

Social media can be a great way for attorneys to gather and share information.  It also presents many ethical traps.  How can attorneys use Facebook and other social media in their practice in a way that complies with the Rules of Professional Conduct?   

Discussion will include:

  • Effectively counseling clients about the legal ramifications of social media
  • Protecting client confidentiality
  • Managing professional networking websites
  • Ensuring that social media postings comply with advertising requirements
  • Managing online client reviews

Understanding and Mitigating the Risk of Fraud

Most people think they will never fall victim to a scam. More than ever good lawyers find themselves as the target of embezzlement, fraud or email scams. Join Lawyers Mutual staff as they discuss the latest e-mail scams, identify red flags to watch for, traits of fraudsters and how to assess risk in your law practice. The program will include a review of applicable ethics rules (proper supervision, technology opinions such as those dealing with metadata and electronic banking) as well as risk management suggestions to avoid scams and fraud.

What Do Our Clients Want? Understanding and Managing 21st Century Clients

Difficult client relationships are often an underlying cause of malpractice claims or bar complaints.  Join us for a discussion on how to ethically manage 21st century clients;

  • Understanding the challenges of the 21st century client
  • Recognizing the “red flag” client
  • Making the difficult decision to fire a client and how to do it within the ethics guidelines
  • Discussion of 2015 FEO 4 “Disclosing Potential Malpractice to A Client”
  • Satisfied clients: how to provide an “effortless experience”

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Mental Health

An Exploration of Lawyers in Transition

This program is designed to explore challenges being faced by an aging legal population, review the impact of cognitive impairment and normal aging on lawyers’ competency, and to challenge lawyers to prepare for and look forward to life in retirement.

Getting By With A Little Help from Our Friends  

The ABA and Hazelden Foundation recently conducted a nationwide study confirming that lawyers struggle with depression, anxiety and alcoholism at rates that far exceed rates found in the general population and other professions. We all know the risks. We often see colleagues in trouble but are unsure exactly what to do about it. This presentation will highlight real-world strategies that lawyers and law firms can use to: 1) identify colleagues at risk, 2) create a culture of safety that will reduce barriers for those in need to asking for and receiving help, and 3) intervene when it is clear a colleague needs assistance. (Program offered as special request in conjunction with LAP.)

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Trust Accounts

Managing Your Trust Account

Did you know the NC State Bar approved new trust account rules in 2016? Including a requirement for those attorneys who maintain trust account to obtain a CLE hour devoted to trust accounts? 

Join us as we discuss the Trust Handbook and walk through an in-depth example of performing a quarterly trust reconciliation to meet Rule 1.15-3(d)(1)).   Topics include:

  • Overview of trust accounts
  • Breaking down the Key Concepts
  • Deposits – funds received
  • Payments – funds paid
  • Recordkeeping
  • Overview of new trust requirements
  • Trust reconciliations

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Cybersecurity and a New Era of Fraud

A rising tide raises all ships; but when the economy takes a downturn, everyone is hurting, and thieves get even more brazen. Hear cautionary tales, and review tips and tools to keep you and your practice safe.

Cybersecurity Without Breaking the Bank

This program will provide an overview of legal and regulatory considerations in light of emerging technologies while spotlighting that any size law firm is susceptible.  Discussion topics include:

  • Everyone is a target: from the attorney to the paralegal to the legal assistant.
  • Quick and easy ways to protect yourself and your clients through:
  • Encryption
  • Physical controls
  • Network controls
  • IoT and Removable Media, and
  • Train the humans.
  • Why you should destroy your data.

Social Media Ethics

Social media can be a great way for attorneys to gather and share information.  It also presents many ethical traps.  How can attorneys use Facebook and other social media in their practice in a way that complies with the Rules of Professional Conduct?   

Discussion will include:

  • Effectively counseling clients about the legal ramifications of social media
  • Protecting client confidentiality
  • Managing professional networking websites
  • Ensuring that social media postings comply with advertising requirements
  • Managing online client reviews

Understanding Cyber Risk - Tricks Traps and Trends 

This program provides an overview of legal and regulatory considerations for law firm cybersecurity in light of emerging technologies, spotlighting that any size law firm is susceptible and providing examples of steps you can take to begin reducing your risk. Topics will include:

  • An overview of legal and regulatory consideration in light of emerging technologies
  • Traps for the unwary – threats both foreign and domestic
  • Quick and easy ways to protect yourself and your clients
  • Where do we go from here – privacy, ethics, and the future

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Client Relationships

What Do Our Clients Want? Understanding and Managing 21st Century Clients

Difficult client relationships are often an underlying cause of malpractice claims or bar complaints.  Join us for a discussion on how to ethically manage 21st century clients;

  • Understanding the challenges of the 21st century client
  • Recognizing the “red flag” client
  • Making the difficult decision to fire a client and how to do it within the ethics guidelines
  • Discussion of 2015 FEO 4 “Disclosing Potential Malpractice to A Client”
  • Satisfied clients: how to provide an “effortless experience”

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Law Firm Retreats

Building a Culture of Business Development  (no CLE credit)

Is your firm poised to do business after the current generation of rainmakers is gone? Does your firm promote a culture of marketing, business development and cross-selling? Do you understand the barriers you face and what success looks like? Join us for a discussion of what a business development culture looks like and how to set goals to move you to success

Future of Law: Building a 21st Century Practice

21st-century law firms continue to face new challenges. Lawyers are required by the NC State Bar Ethics Rules to stay on top of technology. The “client of the future” is here and demanding that legal services be delivered in improved and more efficient ways.

Join Lawyers Mutual as we discuss the collision of forces that arises from 21st-century clients, multi-generational law offices and the creative solutions that will abound.

Some of the topics to be discussed:

  • What issues are keeping lawyers and paralegals up at night?
  • The client of the future
  • Review of NC State Bar ethics rules and opinions that impact technology, advertising and other current issues
  • Practice management issues that will impact the future
  • Reinventing lawyers, paralegals and law firms

Practical Tips for Transitioning Your Practice

Join Lawyers Mutual for a conversation of practical tips and advice for transitioning your law practice. Topics include:

  • Brief discussion of obstacles to transitioning your practice
  • Identify clients and establish priorities for specific client transition
  • Involve clients in the process
  • Develop exit plan with timeframes
  • Place someone in firm in charge of transition team
  • Build a culture of succession planning

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Risk Management

Cyber Safeguards and Procedures

Managing cyber risks is no longer the exclusive domain of IT professionals. This presentation will provide you with the practical guidance you need to better prepare for and respond to cyber incidents. You will learn how to reduce your law firm’s financial, legal and reputational exposure. We will review the following topics:

  • Best practices for protecting data and confidential information. 
  • Internal threats.
  • Mobile devices.
  • Encryption: What is it and do you need it?

Statutes of Limitations: Traps for the Unwary; Escapes for the Needy

Litigation errors are a large percentage of our claims. Lawyers Mutual claims attorneys will discuss common statute of limitations problems, along with solutions.

 Scenarios presented will include:

  • Out of state claims
  • Corporate defendants
  • Suing municipality and other governmental entities
  • Improper / insufficient process and service of process

That "Oh No" Moment: Malpractice Claims Errors and How to Avoid the Same Fate

  • Avoid common malpractice claims by looking at where claims come from and why, concentrating on areas of practice reporting the most frequent claims and what activities are responsible for claims in each area
  • Utilize good judgment and sound, ethical management practices, and
  • Know when to report a potential claim and how to communicate with your client to prevent the problem from getting worse.

The "Oh No" Moment: Real Estate Malpractice Claims and Lessons Learned

Real estate claims are expensive and messy. Lawyers Mutual Claims Counsel Troy Crawford will address:

  • traps that practitioners and paralegals face
  • a review of case studies
  • suggestions for practices and procedures designed to avoid future claims

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Marketing/Business Development

Creating Conversations: Use Business Development to Increase Your Practice (no CLE credit)

This program is designed to provide you with practical tools and best practices on how to increase your visibility and attract business opportunities. Through discussion and group exercises, you will learn:

  •  Public Relations: What it is and Why it's Important
  • Perfecting the Elevator Pitch
  • Identifying and Pitching the Right Media Outlet
  • Publishing Articles: Writing Like a Subject Matter Expert, Not a Lawyer
  • Using Social Media to Create Buzz
  • Avoiding Pitfalls

Fostering a Business Development Culture within Your Firm (no CLE credit)

Is your firm poised to do business after the current generation of rainmakers is gone? Does your firm promote a culture of marketing, business development and cross-selling? Do you understand the barriers you face and what success looks like? Join us for a discussion of what a business development culture looks like and how to set goals to move you to success.

Niche Marketing:  Why, How To and Now What? (no CLE credit)

What is niche marketing and how can it make you more profitable?  Can you identify your ideal target market?  How would your perfect potential client know that you exist? This program will focus on the power of niche marketing.  In an interactive program we will explore why niche marketing works, how to pick a niche and what to do to reach it.  Lawyers at every career stage will learn how to better focus their business development efforts and resources to get more results.

Strategic Networking (no CLE credit)

Do you dread cocktail parties? Struggle for clever conversation? Agonize over wasting your time with no results? In this interactive moderated program we will discuss every aspect of networking from choosing the right event to planning your conversation starters. Lawyers at every career stage and in every firm size will leave this program with practical tips to better focus your networking efforts to get more results.

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Professional Development

Business Etiquette 101 (no CLE credit)

Business etiquette rules are designed to make you more comfortable in professional situations. Join the discussion on professional dress, networking, dining and tipping.

The Confidence Code (no CLE credit)

Working women today are better educated and more qualified than ever before. Yet men still dominate by many measures in the corporate world. In The Confidence Code, authors Katty Kay and Claire Shipman argue that the key reason is confidence. Join Camille Stell as she facilitates a “book club” discussion about the leadership concepts behind the book that will challenge our thinking about the workplace.

The Grit Project: True Grit and a Growth Mindset  (no CLE credit)

The ABA Grit Project educates women lawyers about the science behind grit and growth mindset - two important traits that many successful women lawyers have in common. By providing the tools to assess and learn these traits, the Grit Project enhances the effectiveness as well as the retention and promotion of women lawyers.

A Journey to Finding our Strengths (no CLE credit)

Your talents make you remarkable. Understanding your talents is directly linked to achievement, whether personal or professional. The Clifton StrengthsFinder is an online assessment which identifies your unique areas of talent. Top achievers fully recognize their talents, develop their strengths and apply them in roles that best suit them. Taking the online assessment prior to the presentation is recommended.

Lean In: What Does it Mean for Today’s Legal Professional?  (no CLE credit)

Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook and author of 2013’s best-selling book “Lean In” has shared her personal story in the book and on the TED talk stage. Join Camille Stell as she facilitates a “book club” discussion about the leadership concepts behind the book that will challenge our thinking about the workplace.

Reserve Your Seat at the Table: A Primer for Effective and Efficient Paralegal / Attorney Relationships (Paralegal Credit Only)

Effective paralegal / attorney relationships benefit not only the paralegals and attorneys, but most importantly, the client. During this program we will review the Myers-Briggs Type indicator research on characteristics common to lawyers and discuss management styles of law firms to gain insight into how to communicate with lawyers. We will also prepare paralegals to be more effective in their communications with lawyers by discussing influence, credibility, credentials and tips for developing leadership skills.

Why Can't We All Get Along? Bridging the Generation Gap (no CLE credit)

  • Understand the four generations in today's work force: Traditionalist, Baby Boomer, Generation Xers and Millennials
  • Recognize the stereotypes that prevent us from understanding a different generation
  • Discuss differences that cause worker dissatisfaction and attrition
  • Discuss communication skills that help bridge the gap effectively with all four generations of lawyers, co-workers, and clients

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Law School Programs

Business Etiquette 101

Business etiquette rules are designed to make you more comfortable in professional situations such as law firm interviews including lunch or dinner, as well as preparing for summer intern positions. Join the discussion on professional dress, networking and dining.

Communication Skills for Millennials

We have four generations in today's work force: Traditionalist, Baby Boomer, Generation Xers and Millennials

  • Recognize the stereotypes that prevent us from understanding a different generation
  • Discuss differences that cause worker dissatisfaction and attrition
  • Discuss communication skills that help bridge the gap effectively with all four generations of lawyers, co-workers, and clients

The Grit Project: True Grit and a Growth Mindset  

The ABA Grit Project educates women lawyers about the science behind grit and growth mindset - two important traits that many successful women lawyers have in common. By providing the tools to assess and learn these traits, the Grit Project enhances the effectiveness as well as the retention and promotion of women lawyers.

How to Start and Build Your Law Practice

Building a law firm from the ground up requires hard work, organization, process and procedure, as well as the ability to bring in clients. This program will identify resources to help you get started and risk management tips to help you avoid common mistakes.

Strategic Networking: A Guide for Future Rainmakers

Facilitated workshop on networking with a focus on job search and building a network that will grow with you as your career develops. In this interactive program we will discuss every aspect of networking from choosing the right event to planning your conversation starters. Law students will leave this program with practical tips to better focus your networking efforts to get more results.

StrengthsFinder for Students

Identifying your strengths can be useful for you as a student and as you prepare for your career. The Clifton StrengthsFinder is an online assessment which identifies your unique areas of talent. Strengthsfinders is not intended to determine which job you should pursue; however, identifying your talents can provide the start of roadmap as you pursue your legal career. Law students will leave this interactive presentation with practical tips for career planning. (Reading the book and taking the assessment are not required prior to the presentation but may be helpful.)

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