Claims Repair
When a claim is reported to Lawyers Mutual, one of our top priorities is to explore ways to correct the error or minimize the damage. We call this our Claims Repair Program.
Led by a dedicated team of experienced in-house claims attorneys and trusted outside counsel, our Claims Repair Program provides proactive, hands-on support. These seasoned professionals work closely with our insured attorneys, addressing claims of all sizes and focusing on effective solutions. The outcomes can be remarkable—sometimes, we can fully repair the claim, and in other cases, we can significantly reduce the financial impact.
Upon reporting a claim, our repair team will promptly assess the situation and devise a tailored strategy. Your insights into the client, the circumstances of your representation, and the specific area of law are crucial in helping us find the best possible resolution.
Timely reporting is key. The sooner we are informed, the sooner we can begin working to address and resolve the issue.
This information was prepared as a reference for you. Lawyers Mutual does not imply through this information that coverage will be provided for a specific situation or activity. Please refer to your policy or call our office if you have questions about claims or coverage under your Lawyers Mutual policy.