Jay Reeves practiced law in North Carolina and South Carolina. He was Legal Editor at Lawyers Weekly and Risk Manager at Lawyers Mutual. He is the author of The Most Powerful Attorney in the World, a collection of short stories from a law life well-lived, which as the seasons pass becomes less about law and liability and more about loss, love, longing, laughter and life's lasting luminescence.

8 Ways a Legal Marketer Can Help Your Firm

  Did you know that nine out of 10 online searches are done on a search engine, most likely Google? And that more than 70 percent of searchers don’t go past the first page of Google? “Your law firm needs to be seen high up in the search engine results pages,” says Christina Drobney for… Read More

Everything You Need to Know About New Law

  As if we haven’t already had our share of firsts this year, get ready for something else new: New Law. The phrase has been popping up more and more in legal trade publications. Generally speaking, it means leveraging technology to provide legal services in novel ways. “Some law firms may i… Read More

Lawyer Suspended for Fictional Billing

A Massachusetts lawyer who billed her clients for hundreds of “fictional hours” and inflated final invoices by more than $200,000 has been suspended from practice. The attorney added around 450 bogus hours to client bills in the year 2015. She didn’t keep contemporaneous billing records. She … Read More

Five E-Discovery Trends

One e-discovery change that was accelerated by the pandemic and is expected to become the norm is virtual managed review of large projects. The concept has been gaining traction for awhile. But COVID lockdowns forced the e-discovery industry to figure out a way to conduct large-scale document reviews that did … Read More

Five Newest McMillan Lawyers Exemplify Professionalism

  If you want a definition of professionalism, look no further than the four newest recipients of the John B. McMillan Distinguished Service Award. They are lawyers, counselors, litigators, teachers and public servants. “The Distinguished Service Award has been awarded to each of these individuals… Read More

4 Ways to Bring Out the Best in Your Team

You might think the job of a leader is to teach, train and guide team members to be better, but actually it’s to simply let them be themselves. A law practice that builds on current strengths and brings out the best in everyone in the office – rather than trying to mold them into something they&r… Read More

4 Steps to Baseline Cloud Fluency

Think fast: if you’re in a meeting about cloud computing and someone throws out the term “auto-scaling,” will you know what they’re talking about? How about elastic load balancing, or setting up a virtual private cloud? These are some of the essential terms to attain “baseline cl… Read More

4 Ways to Bring Out the Best in Your Team

You might think the job of a leader is to teach, train and guide team members to be better, but actually it’s to simply let them be themselves. A law practice that builds on current strengths and brings out the best in everyone in the office – rather than trying to mold them into something they&rsq… Read More

Facebook Settles $650 Million Privacy Class Action

  In a groundbreaking case involving data rights and privacy, a judge has approved a $650 settlement of a class action lawsuit against Facebook. The case, brought by Facebook users in 2015, alleged violations of the Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act. The plaintiffs alleged Facebook’s phot… Read More

Top Tech Trends for Corporate Legal Departments

The top tech trend in corporate legal departments is using AI tools to manage contracts. Another trend: corporate legal is increasingly using online strategies and tech solutions for governance, risk management and compliance issues. Those are two findings from a recent survey of corporate legal department op… Read More

9 Law Lessons Taught by The Pandemic

What’s the most surprising thing you’ve learned during the pandemic? Is it that you were able to transition to working remotely with surprising ease? Or perhaps it’s just the opposite, and you realize how much you miss social contact with your colleagues? Or maybe it’s something as s… Read More

How to Prevent Client Billing Amnesia

Isn’t it strange how some clients tend to get selective amnesia when they receive your bill? They forget what a great lawyer you are, which was their opinion back when you won their case. They forget about telling you how much they value your efforts. They might even forget they signed a contract oblig… Read More

Chief Justice Extends Emergency Court Orders

It’s not often that you hear a Chief Justice talk about making lemonade out of lemons. But that was part of the message NC Supreme Court Justice Paul Newby delivered to members of the NC Advocates of Justice and the NC Association of Defense Counsel in a recent joint video conference. “Chief Justi… Read More

NC Appellate Rules Update Available Online

  Did you know the North Carolina Rules of Appellate Procedure have been updated? The update, which was approved by the Supreme Court in November 2020, makes important changes to the rules governing the preparation, production and delivery of appellate transcripts, among other things. The update also ma… Read More