Jay Reeves practiced law in North Carolina and South Carolina. He was Legal Editor at Lawyers Weekly and Risk Manager at Lawyers Mutual. He is the author of The Most Powerful Attorney in the World, a collection of short stories from a law life well-lived, which as the seasons pass becomes less about law and liability and more about loss, love, longing, laughter and life's lasting luminescence.

PI Lawyer Charged with Staging Auto Accidents

Here’s a cautionary tale for PI lawyers: it’s a terrible idea – not to mention a crime – to stage motor vehicle accidents in order to file phony insurance claims. Just ask the New Orleans attorney who has been indicted on federal charges of Conspiracy to Commit Mail and Wire Fraud. He… Read More

Sixty Percent of Law Firms Do Their Own Marketing

  If the lawyers in your firm also comprise the marketing department, you’re not alone. In six out of 10 law firms, the attorneys themselves handle all the marketing. Only one-third have a paid marketing person – either in-house or an outside consultant. When it comes to solo practitioners, … Read More

The Education of the NC State Bar Executive Director

  In the avalanche of words written about the impact of COVID on our profession, one account – penned by the head of the North Carolina State Bar – stands out as particularly interesting and insightful. It also puts a distinctly human face on the daunting task of crisis management.  Ali… Read More

Follow These Guidelines for Your Holiday Travel

It’s a safe bet your holiday travel plans will be different this year than in years past.  You might be downsizing your family get-together or planning to hold it outside. Maybe you’re driving instead of flying. Or you might be planning to simply stay home and carve your turkey via Zoom. Th… Read More

Here’s One Quality You Need More Than Ever

As the legal landscape continues to shift, the word “resilience” should be top of mind in your practice. In fact, it might be a good idea to discuss the word at your next staff meeting, write it in large letters on the whiteboard in your breakroom, and consider it for your Twitter handle. The di… Read More

Good News: Law Jobs on the Rise

Here’s a glimmer of bright news in an otherwise cloudy time: employment in the legal sector is slowly but steadily rising after bottoming out in April. The law industry picked up 4,800 jobs nationwide in October, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, representing the sixth straight mon… Read More

Five Tips for Easing Employees’ Childcare Concerns

The pandemic has been a huge disruption for every lawyer and legal professional, but for those with children at home, it’s been a nightmare. Many are having to make wrenching choices regarding childcare, online education and remote work. “Like so many lawyers, I’ve been home working full t… Read More

The Definitive List of Top 20 Christmas Movies

You can tell a lot about a person from their favorite Christmas movie.  For example, the fact that you’ve seen every title in the Hallmark Christmas film catalog twice – and A Royal Christmas thrice – says something about your views on romance. If you’ve memorized every line of t… Read More

Do You Know the Top Reason for Attending Law School?

The number one motivation for attending law school is not to make a lot of money or land a job at a blue-chip firm. No, the main reason for choosing a law career is a desire for public service. In a recent survey, 44 percent of respondents said they wanted a law degree as a gateway into politics, government… Read More

Hot Gifts for Your Holiday Shopping List

It’s that time of year to hit the mall – or hit the refresh button on your browser – for a little holiday shopping. And never fear, we’re here to give you some expert guidance for buying that just-right present for a friend, relative, employee or law colleague.  We’ll star… Read More

8 Tips for a More Profitable Workplace

That Leaning Tower of Paper on your desk doesn’t merely pose a malpractice risk – it might also be adding to your stress. And though you might think the mountain of case files shows how busy you are, in reality it’s probably making you a lot less productive. “Experts agree that clutt… Read More

Is Irregardless an Actual Word?

Raise your hand if you think “irregardless” is a real word. Okay, hands down. Now raise your hand if you think it’s not a real word. Finally, raise your hand if you couldn’t care less … or is it could care less?  Congratulations if you voted in support of irregardless. &… Read More

4 Ways Your Law Life Will Change in 2021 (and Beyond)

If your plan is to hunker down, wait until COVID is history, and then resume practicing law like you always have, you need a different plan. The pandemic has permanently changed the profession – and if you don’t adapt, you’ll be left behind. “Things are never going to be th… Read More