Mark Scruggs is senior claims counsel with Lawyers Mutual specializing in litigation, workers compensation and family law matters. You can reach Mark at 800.662.8843 or at

Tips For Newly Minted, Courtroom Bound Lawyers

As  the Bar Exam looms, we begin anticipating an influx of newly minted lawyers, many of them courtroom bound. As a former practicing litigation attorney, I would like to offer my top tips for newly minted lawyers, especially those who aspire to courthouse and courtroom practice. Tip #1 – Find a men… Read More

"Whole Body" Public Speaking

Whether you are a “courtroom lawyer” or not, you should be able to speak in front of a group. People expect lawyers to be good at this. (Think Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas.) With apologies to Whole Foods Market, public speaking should be a “whole body” experience. Here are my top … Read More

Tips for Newly Minted, Courtroom Bound Lawyers

As graduation approaches, and the Bar Exam looms, we begin anticipating an influx of newly minted lawyers, many of them courtroom bound. As a former practicing litigation attorney, I would like to offer my top tips for newly minted lawyers, especially those who aspire to courthouse and courtroom practice. Tip … Read More

Tips for Malpractice- Proofing Your Next Mediation

Prepare the client for the “settlement pressure” of mediation. Have the client acknowledge in writing the decision whether to settle is his and his alone. Settlement pressure will come from all sides – perhaps even from you. Make sure your client is prepared to handle it. We see malpractice … Read More

The Malpractice Risk of Being Local Counsel

When that out-of-state lawyer calls and wants you to be local counsel in her multi-million dollar case, curb your enthusiasm.  You should work out a few details first. Typically, the out-of-state lead counsel will not want you to have any contact with her client. She will make decisions and deal with the c… Read More

Five Insurance Products for Successful Law Firm Planning

Our emphasis here is on long-term planning for the well-being of your firm, your clients and those who must pick up the pieces in case of your death, disability or retirement. We will first focus on Insurance products you should consider as you plan for the unforeseen (death or disability) and the inevitable (… Read More

Tips for a Better Engagement Letter

You can improve your practice by revamping your engagement letter. Take advantage of the risk management opportunity presented by your next engagement letter. Here are four tips for a better engagement letter. Use one – every time. If a legal matter is worth doing, it is worth memorializing in writing.… Read More

Understanding Your Professional Liability Insurance Policy

In the course of working with some of our insured lawyers, we have found that some do not understand the distinction between a “claims made” policy and an “occurrence” policy. The distinction can make all the difference in whether the lawyer has coverage for a claim or not. Most if not … Read More