Mark Scruggs is senior claims counsel with Lawyers Mutual specializing in litigation, workers compensation and family law matters. You can reach Mark at 800.662.8843 or at

Loose Lips Sink Ships

We should all be so lucky as to have a client whose case garners the attention of the news media. However, such cases present opportunities for running afoul of the Rules of Professional Conduct and caution should be the watchword.  One need look no further than the infamous “Duke Lacrosse case”… Read More

The Rules, They Are A-Changin’

The 2011 legislative session saw major changes to how plaintiff’s personal injury lawyers will do business in the future. One of the changes relates to evidence of medical expenses in a civil action. House Bill 542 added a new rule of evidence: Rule 414. New Rule 414 limits evidence offered to prove past… Read More

Successful Claims Repair

“Claims repair” is a big part of what we do at Lawyers Mutual and July brought two successful claims repair efforts that enabled two of our insureds to avoid a malpractice claim.  With the help of one of our defense lawyers in Wilmington, Vaiden Kendrick, we successfully argued that a defa… Read More

Mark Scruggs on two situations recently resolved by settlement.

Claims lawyer Mark Scruggs describes two situations recently involving the same factual scenario, both of which resulted in claims that we resolved by settlement. In each case, the lawyer was hired to form a corporation. He checked with the Secretary of State to make sure the corporate name was available, but h… Read More