Samantha Cruff is the Marketing Communications Coordinator at Lawyers Mutual. Contact Samantha for information regarding our available risk management publications at 800.662.8843 or

Risk Management in the Wireless Age

Because so much time is spent out of the office, we have several ways to reconnect. Laptops, smartphones, flash drives, and blue tooth headsets are just a few of the convenient ways to lose client data when we are not on top of our game. Laptops         Laptop computers allo… Read More

Have no fear our Social Media Toolkit is Here

Congratulations! You have finally decided to join millions of others in the social media world. It can be scary and a bit overwhelming at first, but have no fear, we are here to help. There are so many social media sites to choose from: LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and Periscope. Don’t… Read More

Ten E-mail Security Tips

E-mail presents a risk for breaching client confidences. One of the most dangerous, and easiest, methods of breaking confidentiality is simply sending an e-mail intended for your client to the wrong party. Another trap for the unwary is metadata, the hidden information lurking in attached documents. Training yo… Read More

Do right by your Docket

The central docketing calendar holds important dates for each lawyer.  Maintain this calendar in addition to the file tickling system – together they serve to backup each other. Traditionally, the docket is a large desktop calendar kept in a central office location and maintained by one staff member… Read More

Need a Refill? Office Supply Telemarketing Scams on the Rise

Have you received a call from a supplier notifying you of a special discount on office supplies and wanting to take your immediate order? We recently experienced a version of this scam in our office when a fraudster pretending to be a Xerox representative tried to sell us discounted toner for one of our printe… Read More

Hit by a Bus, What Now?

Imagine a scenario where your only employee, your valued paralegal or legal assistant, is suddenly out of the office for an extended period of time. Where is the court calendar? How do you access your client database? How do you create month end bills in your time keeping system? Everything effecting your clie… Read More

LastPass Hacking Attempt and the State of Security

If you’re a LastPass user, undoubtedly you recently received an email regarding a hacking attempt. Luckily, no encrypted data was taken. However, email addresses and password reminders were compromised. The solution: change your LastPass password. LastPass is also taking additional security measures for… Read More

Understanding Important Cyber Security Issues

How well do you understand your data security? If you’re confused by all the issues needing to be addressed, you’re not alone. Recent events at Sony Entertainment show that anyone is vulnerable if they don’t keep their systems updated. Credit card data theft at large stores such as Target and… Read More

Avoiding Taxpayer Scams during Tax Season

Scammers are everywhere, and they’ll use any available means to cheat victims out of their money. A popular scam is to impersonate an IRS agent and con victims into providing personal information. Scammers can use two approaches: (1) threaten victims if they don’t immediately pay overdue taxes or… Read More

FREAKing Out about the Latest Cyber Security Issue

Did you hear about the FREAK security flaw? Be honest, you just googled it. Last week, a security flaw – referred to as FREAK – quietly hit tech news sites as affecting Apple and Google devices. Later, Microsoft announced they were vulnerable, too. Yes, pretty much every device on the planet was … Read More