A Byte out of our blog
Did you know that Lawyers Mutual’s Byte of Prevention blog has been around since 2012? Our blog is one of our most popular risk management resources and readership continues to grow (special thanks to all our readers, yes you).
Over the years we have worked to improve our blog’s look and content. Our blog makeover includes a new layout with categories that allow readers to easily find desired content. We have also revamped our images. Each blog post includes a custom graphic, which has greatly boosted our social media engagement as well.
One of the tenets of our mission is to provide timely and relevant resources to lawyers to help them protect their practices. We recognize that the industry is constantly evolving; it’s this thought that led us to increase to daily blog postings. Our blog’s content also now includes features and guest bloggers.
We thought we would take a moment to highlight four of our most popular blogs. We’d like to think of these posts as being on the “Mount Rushmore” of our blog:
1) http://www.lawyersmutualnc.com/blog/tips-and-traps-in-of-counsel-relationships
2) http://www.lawyersmutualnc.com/blog/the-pros-and-cons-of-billing-for-initial-consultations
3) http://www.lawyersmutualnc.com/blog/ten-non-traditional-ways-to-use-a-law-degree
4) http://www.lawyersmutualnc.com/blog/nobody-feels-good-about-james-browns-estate
We are always looking for ways to improve our blog. One way we continue to grow is through including the voices and sharing the stories of those in the legal community. We would love to hear from you. If you’re interested in being a guest blogger, send posts to: Monisha Yowell at monisha@lawyersmutulnc.com or Camille Stell at camille@lawyersmutualnc.com
Thank you for continuing to grow with us!