Take the Lawyers in Transition Self-Test
Congratulations! You’ve reached the end of our Lawyers in Transition series.
We hope along the way you picked up some pointers, insights, and nuggets to inspire you on the next step of your journey.
We leave you with a final self-test. Below are all 20 of the Lawyers in Transition blog posts. Go through the list and consider each topic. Then place a 1, 2 or 3 in the space provided:
- 1 indicates the topic is a top priority, an area you most need to work on.
- 2 is an important topic, but somewhat less urgent.
- 3 means you are comfortable in this area, that you’re in good shape here.
There is no passing or failing this test. You can pull it out periodically and re-take it in order to monitor your progress. Best of luck in your transition!
Lawyers in Transition – Final Exam
___ Imagining Life Beyond the Law
___ When is it Time?
___ Finding the Right Words to Say
___ Health Planning
___ Bar Licensing and Regulatory Issues
___ Compensation and Insurance
___ Staying Engaged in the Law
___ Putting Your Life Wisdom to Work