How Secure Is Your Email?

Have you ever worried about the security of your email? If you have, you are probably not unlike many people who transmit sensitive data electronically. Some of the most widely used types of email services use Transport Layer Security (“TLS”) to encrypt your message (Gmail, Yahoo!,, Exc… Read More +

Understanding Important Cyber Security Issues

How well do you understand your data security? If you’re confused by all the issues needing to be addressed, you’re not alone. Recent events at Sony Entertainment show that anyone is vulnerable if they don’t keep their systems updated. Credit card data theft at large stores such as Target and… Read More +

Frauds and Scams that Target Lawyer Trust Accounts

The State Bar continues to receive reports of frauds and scams on lawyer trust accounts resulting in six-figure losses.  The three major types of scams are 1) Email initiated counterfeit bank checks 2) Forged trust account checks, and 3) Compromised wire instructions.   The following is a brief s… Read More +

Keeping Your Passwords Strong and Secure

Computer passwords are the keys that “unlock” our computer and network systems. We all have more passwords than we can remember. This tends to make us a bit lazy. We use obvious and easy-to-remember passwords – even the word “password” itself. Or worse: we don’t use them at a… Read More +

Mobile Device Security: Has Your Client's Smartphone Been Hacked?

If you're a litigator, cell phones can be a powerful tool in discovery. They may contain a client's (or opposing party's) text messages, e-mails, GPS data, personal photographs, social media, data files and let’s not forget - they also contain phone call records.  Modern smartphones do so many things… Read More +