‘Tis Better to Give Than Receive Advice

I grew up with some very smart siblings. Three were valedictorians and all graduated with honors in college and then earned graduate degrees. I found my successes in competitive swimming and social connection. I was not valedictorian but was bestowed with the honor of class clown in high school. Needless to say, I was not a very confident student.   Read More +

Febreze Life

A friend recently sent me an article that cited studies showing a link between loss of smell and declining memory, cognition, and mental health. Given my keen sense of smell, this information thrilled me. However, a strong sense of smell can sometimes be a drawback. I was reminded of this on a recent beach trip when my wife and I stayed in an old-school efficiency apartment at Atlantic Beach.   Read More +

Chasing the Tail of Happiness

Happiness is a hot topic in the self-help world. There are more than 20,000 books that have been published with “happiness” in the title. An entire industry has been built around the goal of happiness. But do we even know what we mean when we say we want to be happy, and should it be our ultimate goal? I would suggest that there is something far greater than simple happiness. That something is the concept of well-being.   Read More +